The Department of Mathematics offers free walk-in tutoring for MATH courses. For information, contact your Mathematics instructor, or the Department of Mathematics , 301-405-5053.
For students who need extra help with fulfilling their Fundamental Studies Mathematics requirement, the Learning Assistance Service (LAS) provides more in-depth help with mathematics skills. Students interested in mathematics assistance should contact Dr. Kimberly Bethea, 301-314-7701.
The Learning Assistance Service also provides help with other skills necessary for success at UMD. LAS offers help with study skills and time management, as well as test preparation, grammar review, support for returning students, English as a second language, dissertation support, and more specialized help in learning. LAS is located on the second floor of the Shoemaker building, and can be contacted at 301-314-7651.
Students with appropriate documentation of a learning disability and/or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or other disability, may choose to access reasonable accommodations through Disability Support Service. For information about those services and other available support, students should contact Evalyn Hamilton, Coordinator, DSS - LD Services, Shoemaker Building at 301-314-7682.
Assistance is also available for problems that students are having with writing assignments. The Writing Center (2119 Tawes Hall 301-405-3809) provides help on composition assignments to students enrolled in English composition courses, such as those for the Fundamental Studies Introduction to Writing and Professional Writing courses. Appointments are recommended.